If copied, this copyright notice must appear with the information. The Public Works Administration changed the face of Chickasaw Co. School buildings and other public buildings were improved. In 1894, the enrollment was 451 and five different states and forty MS counties were represented in the student body. Rev. States that saw more significant increases in colored population during that time, and were therefore more Around this time, oil was discovered in Chickasaw Co. Local residents were excited by the reports made from time to time by the men in charge of the test wells. 188.65 Acres : $509,355 Houlka Creek, 188.65 Ac Houston : Chickasaw County : MS Sartain's Heritage Properties 206 Acres : $484,735 The West Hobolochitto Creek Tract Carriere : Pearl Using plantation names to locate ancestors in Houston to select a Council of Defense to promote the war effort. Until this requirement was met, Southern states had no representation in Washington. Chickasaws two county seats are Okolona and Houston, the latter named for the distinguished leader of the Texas war of independence, Gen. Sam Houston. census. the Viet Nam War was nine. Civil defense was taken seriously, first aid classes were conducted throughout the county and black-outs were practiced in various communities. This procession was led by the "bone barriers" who carried the remains of their ancestors so that they could be buried in their new homeland. In Nov 1915, Walter Chandler and J. L. Jogoe of Okolona; Barry Bays of Woodland; O. M. Harrell of Houlka and L. T. Fox and W. E. Scott of Houston met to study the possibility of securing a "federal expert demonstration agent" for the county. The law creating Chickasaw Co was passed by the MS legislature on Feb 9, 1836. However, this last raid of the war in Chickasaw Co resulted in the loss of a large quantity of supplies. State Senatorial districts were gerrymandered to favor black candidates where possible and black districts were in the majority in MS. Chickasaw and Monroe Counties each formed one of these black districts. Though the census schedules speak in terms of "slave owners", the transcriber has chosen to use the family. All have played their part in the existence of Chickasaw Co. Palmyra Plantation: Quitman, Turner Poplar Grove Propinquity Plantation Providence Plantation: Veazie River Place (near Ellis Cliffs): Wolcot River Place (near Natchez Island): Slaves 100 years of age or older were supposed to be named on the 1860 slave schedule, but there were only 1,570 slaves of Candles, kerosene lamps and gas lights were replaced by electric lights and old out houses were replaced by flushing toilets. Reconstruction left scars on the blacks and whites alike. All rights reserved. The town of Sardis is the county seat for the First District, the northern part of the county, and Batesville is the county seat for the Second District, the southern part of the county. Historians of the period tell that the original Chickasaw Indians were tall, well built people with reddish brown skin, raven black hair, large The property consists for consideration by those seeking to make connections between slaveholders and former slaves. Under the presidency of Andrew Jackson, the Indians were finally driven from Chickasaw Co. Jackson passed through the area on his return from the Battle of New Orleans in Feb 1813. Lochinvar is an antebellum home near Pontotoc, Mississippi built by Robert Gordon ca. The British directed a Mr. Stuart, superintendent of Indian affairs south of the Ohio River, to "rally the Chickasaws and other tribes to take arms against His Majesty's Though agriculture remained the countys primary subsistence activity, the demise of Chickasaws plantation economy led to the rise of small farms and sharecropping. The four raids caused only moderate casualties on both sides; but the county and the Confederacy suffered heavy losses of supplies. Dr. V. B. Philot was the surgeon in charge. The Klan was originally begun as a means of restoring order, but soon evolved into a political toolterrorizing blacks in an attempt to prevent their votes. The "Houston Male Academy" was established in 1844. the main subdivisions of the State by which the census was enumerated. While traveling through Chickasaw Co, Smith was opposed by Confederate Generals N. B. Forrest and Chalmers. The white dog preceded the group, guiding them around natural barriers that they encountered. The county was served by several stage lines with rented hacks and carriages in the early days. Probably no period in the county's history produced more changes than the 1960s and 1970s. When the United States declared war against Germany and her allies on April 4, 1917, Chickasaw Co was ready. On June 5, 1917; all men in the county between the ages of 21 and 31 years of age were required to register for the draft. In March, 1541, DeSoto and his men prepared to leave the area, but trouble ensued when he demanded that two hundred men be provided him as bearers. The hospital moved to a new and larger building in 1957 and soon afterward the old building was torn down. sense of the extent of slavery in the ancestral County, particularly for those who have never viewed a slave census. Nestled in the hills of Chickasaw County, MS, these 188.65 acres located in Sections 7 and 8, T13s, R3e, offer both timber and recreational investment opportunities. Based on recent LandWatch data, Chickasaw County ranks 68th among the 82 counties in the state for A more enduring business was established by Charles Dibrell and this establishment was still active in 1860. Republican Clubs which were controlled by the Freedman's Bureau and others recruited former slaves as members. It is located ten miles north of Houston and dates its history from 1836 when the Harrell brothers, William and Warren, bought a large tract of land from its Indian owner. At the turn of the century, more than half of white farmers owned the land they worked, while only 12 percent of Chickasaws black farmers claimed ownership. Leading citizens of Chickasaw Co persuaded him to move the school to Houston. Wall Plantations - Wall CHICKASAW Formed in 1836 from Chickasaw Cession of 1830 CHOCTAW Formed in 1833 from Choctaw Cession CLAIBORNE Formed in 1802 from In 1930 Chickasaws population of 20,835 was almost evenly divided between white and African American residents. Coming from Tupelo under the command of Major Coon to a point south of Okolona, these larger slaveholders, the data seems to show in general not many freed slaves in 1870 were using the surname of their miles. In time, the Hopewells disappeared from the area and were in all probability absorbed by the later groups of people who moved into the area. Provisions for public school funding was not made until the creation of the common school fund in 1846. Congress. The boundaries of five counties link with Chickasaw Co. Dairy farming and cattle became increasingly central to Chickasaws agricultural sector during the first half of the twentieth century, while sweet potato cultivation increased following World War II. When Abraham Lincoln was elected president, the county became united in favor of secession. In Apr 1933 enrollment of young men between the ages of 18 and 25 in a "Civilian Conservation Corps", later known as CCC, was announced. The last U.S. census slave schedules were enumerated by County in 1860 and included 393,975 named persons holding West of the town of West Point, General N. B. Forrest's troops fired on some scouts from Smith's command. Okolona soon became an important Fifteen companies of Infantry and Calvary, a total of 1,875 men, were furnished the Confederacy by the county. Following the construction of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad through Chickasaw in 1859, the countys main sphere of commercial activity shifted from Houston to Okolona. Gas stations as such were yet to be and fuel for automobiles was bought at the local drug stores. Plantation names were not shown on the census. Ten more years passed before Chickasaw Co was again sending young people to southeast Asia. SOURCES. The Union forces were destroying vast stores of grain which had been stored along the railroad as they went. "Okolona Male Academy" was founded in 1852 by William f. Tucker. County, Mississippi census for 1860 and not know whether that person was also listed as a slaveholder on the slave census, Buy. Although no comparison can be made between the young people of Chickasaw Co and those of the urban areas of the northeast and west coast, repercussions were felt here. On June 20, 1836 the board met again at the Indian house near Old Houlka, north of present day Houston, to select a site for the county seat. The Chickasaw tribe remained friendly with the British throughout the American Revolution. The war years were particularly bitter ones for the people of Chickasaw Co. Around 1830, the typical immigrant was a family man seeking to establish a hoe. In July 1920, the new hospital was opened and located on the northeast corner of N. Jackson and Depot Streets; the site of the old Jamison home. On the federal level the Congress established the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. Wallace A. The leading citizens of Houston made several attempts to get a railroad through the town, but were unsuccessful until 1905. Denominations represented in Okolona during this period were Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Cumberland Presbyterian and Roman Catholic. [4] Robert Gordon had immigrated to Cotton Gin Port, Mississippi, from Scotland. The Birney Road ran from Buena Vista to Pontotoc and Cotton Gin Port in Monroe Co to Okolona were developed from old Indian Trails. Although it was not as active in Chickasaw Co as in other sections, the Klu Klux Klan was organized and in operation during the Reconstruction period. Houston also had several drug stores. Chickasaw Co residents realized that in order to thrive, their agricultural methods must be modernized. 7,338 whites, 1 "free colored" and 9,087 slaves. Several stores and a post office were built and the little town thrived. Martin later built another church about three miles of Houston. They were unaccustomed to assuming responsibility for their simplest needs and was faced with the same basic problem as his former owner; a lack of life's T. Z. Carothers, a graduate of Princeton, C. P. Ray and A. J. Jamison were closely identified with this school. [1] Its county seats are Houston and Okolona. The first contingent They moved on north and east, crossing Chuquatonchee Creek and finally stopped at a Chickasaw town called Chicaca. This group of people have been a varied group of many races and creeds who have given their allegiance to five flags.All these people originated in other areas and came to the area looking for new opportunities and a better way of life. Martin renamed the paper "The Southern Another newspaper, "The Houston Petrel" was established by B. F. Owen in 1857. The first white men to come to the area were Spaniards led by Hernando de Soto. On Feb 9, 1986 Chickasaw Co celebrated her 159th anniversary. Due to variable film quality, with their full name, including surname. About Us | Contact Us | Copyright | Report Inappropriate Material During the pre-war period only about one-third of the MS population was affiliated with a church or religion. Only five years passed between the end of World War II and the beginning of the Korean Conflict. On a national level, Democrat candidates consistently carried the county, but it was not unusual for a popular Whig to win in a sate or local election. Ironically, the Trail of Tears was their ultimate reward. Blues musician Booker Bukka White was born in Houston in 1909. SET UP TO SHARE OLD PICTURES. The prayer service was held later in the day at a more convenient time. checked also. The Agricultural High School at Buena Vista frequently sponsored programs on farm topics that were open to the public. of African Americans were enumerated as free in 1860, with about half of those living in the southern States. dark eyes and moved with a superior and independent air. Jackson County Genealogical Society, c/o Else J. Martin, 6301 Country Lane, Pascagoula, MS 39581. Prior to the Civil War, the county also had two Christian churches, two Episcopal churches, and three Union churches. Before this time, most of the children attended private schools located in the county communities. shipping center for the cotton growers and outstripped Houston as a center of commerce. A co-educational academy was established about 1850 by Dr. Hugh Quinn at Palo Alto. The primary coordinate point for Houston is located at latitude 33.8984 and longitude -88.9992 in Chickasaw County . In 1907 bids were let for the construction of a new courthouse in Houston. As of the 2020 census, the population was 17,106. The average slave owner owned eight slaves; but the larger slave holders owned between thirty and one hundred slaves. He was seriously wounded twice, but lived through the war and returned to serve his native state in the Legislature. When Jefferson Davis Excluding slaves, the 1860 U.S. population was 27,167,529, with about 1 in 70 being a increase in colored population of almost double between 1860 and 1870, growing to over 50,000, so likely that is where The fire was discovered about noon, but, it could not be checked, and in a few hours this of the surname of the slaveholder, can check this list for the surname. Within two years, an agent was sent to the county. By Sept 1950, Houston's newly formed National Guard had been activated and was on its way to Camp McCoy, WI for additional training before going overseas. Early "cottage" type industries included boot and show making and the manufacture of buggies and wagons, tinware, coffins and furniture. Bonds floated to repay county indebtedness did not find buyers. addressed in this transcription. corderoy roads were financed by the tolls they charged, from ten cents a head for stock to one dollar for a four to six horse or ox wagon. lower because some large holders held slaves in more than one County and they would have been counted as a separate valorem taxes. A highlight of the event was the presence and participation of Overton James, Governor of the Chickasaw nation, and his The slaves on the smaller farms, who were likely to have worked with the master and his sons, remained faithful to their One was at the Augusta Council in 1763; the other at the Mobile Council in 1765 in Mobile. This is a list of plantations and/or plantation houses in the U.S. state of Mississippi that are National Historic Landmarks, listed on the This trend intensified during World War II when the county farmers responded to the Between 1860 and 1870, the Mississippi colored population only increased by You are the visitor to this page. The automobile was replacing the horse and buggy and a new invention, the radio, was bringing the world into homes throughout the county. To check a master surname list for other States what is now Calhoun Co. Two other early roads, one between Houston and Pontotoc and another that connected Houston and Aberdeen were built. In a few short years, the county moved from the ox-cart to the automobile to the airplane. In the fall, a farmer might sell his crop at the same place where he bought his supplies. Others soon joined them. In the 1940s, dairying grew in importance. Location within the U.S. state of Mississippi Mississippi's location within the U.S. Coordinates: 3355N 8857W / 33.92N 88.95W / 33.92; The editor went on to predict this invention would make "the dealer a merchant prince, the farmer an engineer and the plow boy, a mechanic." Okolona was incorporated in 1850 and by 1859 had three hotels, six dry goods stores, two drug stores, a jewelry store, two livery stables, a funeral parlor, candy, toy and liquor establishments. These officials were ill equipped to fill their positions. According to local tradition, he camped near the present day It is estimated by this transcriber that in 1860, slaveholders of 200 or more slaves, while constituting less than 1 ancestor not shown to hold slaves on the 1860 slave census could have held slaves on an earlier census, so those films can be term "slaveholder" rather than "slave owner", so that questions of justice and legality of claims of ownership need not be A number of people worked at the Gulf Ordnance Plant located at Prairie in Monroe Co. However, they encountered Confederate troops at Palo alto and the Union forces were turned north toward Okolona. Joel Pinson donated a plot of ground to each of the four denominations represented in Houston at its founding. The Hopewell Treaty became the first in a series that diminished the rights of the Chickasaw people. By 1860 the county had changed substantially. Located in north-central Mississippi, Chickasaw County possesses a notable number of creeks and lakes and is traversed by both the Yalobusha and Tombigbee Rivers. Professor Hosea B. Abernathy and his wife, Sallie Garrett Abernethy conducted the school. likely possible places of relocation for colored persons from Chickasaw County, included the following: Georgia, up 80,000 Vestiges of the On Jan 5, 1861, MS became the second state to secede from the Union and the stars and bars became the fifth flag to fly over Chickasaw Co. A new and tragic chapter in the history of Chickasaw Co began. The boundaries of five counties link with Chickasaw Co. The treaty of Pontotoc opened the door to land companies and the formation of Chickasaw Co. Land was bought from the Indians and resold to the settlers at a higher price than was paid to the Indians. The plight of the newly freed blacks was more serious than that of the county's white citizens. This invasion was a part of the campaign against Vicksburg. The raising of beef cattle and dairying were coming into greater importance. The Chamber of Commerce in Okolona and the American Legion in Houston declared that no child in the county would miss "Santa Claus". used to describe the main subdivisions of the State by which the census was enumerated. numbers of African Americans on the 1870 census who were enumerated with the same surname. In Mississippi in 1860 there were 481 farms of The Plantation at Coal Creek, Tuttle. D. D. Dendy of the board of Supervisors; R. S. Mitchell, County Agent and George D. Riley, County Superintendent of Education formed a committee and met Young men returning from World War I found a booming economy. Chickasaw County is in the Central time zone (GMT -6). Before If an Country singer Bobbie Gentry, known for her rendition of Ode to Billie Joe, was likewise born in Chickasaw and mentioned the county often in her music. The countys industrial force was also growing, employing 224 workers in 1930. In 1859, the Mobile and Ohio Railroad came through the county passing through Okolona and Egypt. The government declared the remainder as surplus and disposed of the Reprints of this book and Vol II may still be available. The page numbers used are the rubber stamped numbers in the upper slaveholder in each County. Much of its trade had been taken over by West Point and its male By 1960 Chickasaw Countys population had dropped below 17,000, and almost two-thirds of residents were white. General Chalmers stopped Smith at the Houlka bottom north of Houston Jehu Orr, a States Right Democrat, and Cyrus B. Baldwin, an old line Whig, were sent from Chickasaw Co to the convention in Jackson for the purpose of deciding the future course of MS. At the head of navigation on the Chuquantonchee Creek, it was an important port for the shipping of agricultural products to the port of Mobile. I do not live in the area so I am dependent on all of you for more genealogical data. However, a small but significant Latino/Hispanic minority had emerged. time. The leading citizens of Houston made several attempts to get a railroad through the town, but were unsuccessful until 1905. Gen. Ord, commanding the AR/MS district ordered another constitutional convention in Dec 1867. Census data on African Americans in the 1870 census was obtained using Heritage Their immediate duties were to hold an election to select other county officer and select a site for the county seat. Its county seats are Houston and Okolona. During the early twentieth century canals were constructed to provide needed drainage and make the county's rich bottom land available for cultivation. For the purpose of dying cloth and to use as medicine, bark, berries and other substances were gathered. At One is that they had a disagreement. In 1941, war clouds darkened and preparations for defense began in earnest early in the year. They describe themselves as the "undefeated". The Democrat Clubs were made up of native white Southerners and clashes between the two groups were frequently violent, especially at election Farming operations were smaller and a new system known as share-cropping came into being. 100th anniversary were immediately canceled. Upon [2] The land on which the home stands was bought by Gordon from a Chickasaw woman, Molly Gunn, daughter of William Colbert and wife of James Gunn. Land for Sale Near Me; 2 stand ages of pine plantations adjoining the National Forest close enough to Davis Lake to ride an ATV from the campground to hunt. But as time passed and the situation worsened, relief of the; destitute became an impossible task. in Chickasaw County, accounting for 3,222 slaves, or 35% of the County total. Several communities vied for this school in Chickasaw Co; including Buena Vista, Houlka, Woodland, Parkersburg, and Van Vleet. Learn more. This latter group was made up of individuals who opposed secession as a solution to the problem. Houston was incorporated on May 9, 1837 and its first post office was established Dec 5, 1837 and the Postmaster And a post office were built and the beginning of the Chickasaw tribe remained friendly with the same where. Torn down including Buena Vista, Houlka, Woodland, Parkersburg, and three Union churches was also growing employing. Denominations represented in Houston in 1857 not made until the creation of extent! Zone ( GMT -6 ) dark eyes and moved with a superior and independent air civil,! Established in 1844. the main subdivisions of the Chickasaw tribe remained friendly with the throughout! Antebellum home near Pontotoc, Mississippi, from Scotland the Union forces were turned north toward Okolona Union! 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